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Tagged “Testing”

GitLab Semgrep SAST Analysis... But More

GitLab continues to migrate Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to Semgrep, and makes this available to all GitLab tiers. This analysis only includes the rules that GitLab manages, but there are many more available in the Semgrep Rules project. This post details how to combine the two to get a more comprehensive analysis.

Bin Tester v4.0.0 Released

Bin Tester v4.0.0 was released today with several noteworthy changes, including changing the function exports, changing the argument to the test functions, adding TypeScript type declarations, and deprecating support for Node 14 and 19.

Passing a GitLab CI Job For a Failing Script

There are some cases where the expected outcome of a CI job script is failure. One prominent use case is the testing of tools and container images that are intended for CI-based analyses. This post details techniques for GitLab CI scripts that allow the job to pass when the script fails to accurately reflect the expected result.

Running Lighthouse in GitLab CI with Metrics Report

Google Chrome's Lighthouse tool is a great resource in the browser and has become the standard for basic performance and best-practice metrics on websites. While useful in the browser, a good continuous integration (CI) pipeline includes all the testing practical to identify any issues as early as possible. To that end, this post details how to run Lighthouse via the CLI in GitLab CI and collect a GitLab metrics report so any changes are reported in merge requests.

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