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Tagged “Eleventy”

Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 1

One of the challenges with deploying static sites is that there's nothing tracking any sort of site state, including when new content is published. This post presents a technique to identify newly published content on an Eleventy site and sending various notifications with content-specific data. Part 1 covers identifying the new posts and collecting post-specific data.

GitLab CI Pipeline for Eleventy

This post details the GitLab CI pipeline used for this blog, which is built with Eleventy. It's based on a collection of GitLab CI templates that have evolved over several years for my published NPM packages with a collection of end-to-end tests used for web applications and a few unique jobs added specifically for Eleventy and Nunjucks templates. It's meant as an illustration of a reasonably comprehensive CI pipeline for an Eleventy static site, maximizing the level of automated testing, leveraging built-in GitLab capabilities where practical, and optimizing parallelization and pipeline speed.

Setup GitLab Review Apps with Eleventy

GitLab Pages provide an easy means of deploying a site hosted on GitLab, but GitLab does not provide support for creating Review Apps for a Pages site. This post outlines a reusable technique to work around that and setup Review Apps with Eleventy to enable creation of a unique, browsable instance of a site with the changes in a merge request.

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